
Bombs and Rockets, Alliances and Empires, Democracies and Nations. Dictatorships and Revolutionaries. All keep feeding the big Terror that mankind seems to need in order to live. Security can only be achieved through agreements. Agreements cannot be achieved by power, not standing ones at least.

Israel must be allowed to exist? Hezbollah must be allowed to kill? Iran must be allowed to develop Nuclear Energy? Europe must be allowed to keep its own cultural identity? USA msut be allowed to defend its national interest in the world?

I have deep respect for aid agency's, journalists, united nations observers and all others who keep trying to be unbiased within this ocean of statist, supranational, imperial, religious, ethnical and terrorist interests.

For an overview of issues The Daily Show has a small sketch:

Still, the best thing to do is to try and get as large a variety of sources possible and to focus and demand people surrounding you keep focussed on the overall human cost of war.


Hezbollah has never been a Terrorist organisation

A demonstration in Britain (London, i presume) that clearly celebrates Hezbollah's efforts to kill innocents, and legitimises this in the violent history of the state of Israel and their military-fascist regime. I am no man for choosing sides, in any conflict. People do as they do, and they will continue to do so.


Hamas or Hummus

A nice article from a Manhatten-Israeli to be read here


Dour Festival 2006

For the 4th time in a row I have spend four days in the dusty, dirty and heated post-apocalyptic youth-oriented alternative music festival near Mons, in the south of Belgium. With friends and my girlfriend we have witnessed crazy, beautiful, stoned, drunk, kind and rude Europeans having a time of their life. We have seen musical expressions from many parts of the world. Mono from Japan, Groundation from California, Born from Pain from the Netherlands, First Blood from New York, The Congos from Jamaica and many more. We have seen Reggae, HipHop, Metal, Hardcore, Jazz, Carnavalesque Skapunk. And above all, we can now conclude alternative music offers far more than mainstream can ever imagine. And without any conveivable programme subcultures can weave into each other without any problem.

Music that vents anger, hatred, and violence can be exposed by amplified guitars, raging drums and grunting vocals as well as through heavy dub-like bass, reggaevocals and improvised keyboard-solo's. Both are able to entertain and move people. Dancing as cultural trait is able to unite the people and can promote an imaginable feeling of a massive feast of several thousands that share.

However, all is fiction. Most people enjoy the festival within the borders of their own social surrounding. All consume the bait of commerce that makes the festival possible and the feast of thousands turns into a great marketplace. One thing is left over, and that is the music. It is this Capitalistic world that forces us to become competitors and for now there seems to be no way out.

Still, seeing so many people express their perceived freedom makes one wonder, whether or not there is more to this economic dog-eat-dog system that has invaded every imaginable corner of our world. Music makes people retreat to their own mind, while not abandoning their society. All of us together turn inwards and sense rhythm and emotion in our own unique way.

The Mad Caddies, Groundation, Andrew Tosh, Amen Ra. All had their unique way of moving the people. And the more people there were at the front of the shows that participated fully, the more people truly seemed to enjoy themselves. I have really enjoyed this issue of Dour Festival, for music gives energy, perceived or not.

My Pictures
Official Dour Photography


Jon Stewart

For years now i am watching The Daily Show, for my input on the American News. I enjoy his sense of parody in every rendition of the headlines and i enjoy the interviews, whether serious or funny. I now just seen his comment on 9/11-attacks, and being almost 5 years ago it seems surreal..


just war...

As a kid growing up in Israel i have always, always, been told Hezbollah get their katyushot missiles from Iran and Syria. Several BBC reporters have gone into the world of Hezbollah and it is not a pretty sight. Like in Kony's Ugandan "Army of the Lord" children are disciplined to join the military order from 7-10 years old. They breathe hate and loathing of the State of Israel and learn the honor of killing Israeli Citizens as one of the highest virtues. Like Hamas, they plan suicide bombings, cripple the Religion of Islam and as the largest armed force in Lebanon they boycot Beiroet's Democracy. Hezbollah, meaning "Party of God" preys on North-Israel since its inception in 1982 (also known as the year i myself was incepted).

Now, Israel is planning on dismanteling this war organisation by means of war, after the capture of some Israeli soldiers near the border. Israel is targetting all that benefits the existence of Hezbollah, including befriended civilians, essential infrastructure and offices, throughout Lebanon. Many civilians die, many foreigeners flee and Lebanon drops some 20 seats in the UN's Development charter.
This punishment is uncalled for and heavily overdone. Even if Hezbollah rockets terrify Haifa residents and Hamas Suicide bombers attempt to infiltrate Jerusalem on a daily basis. Israel bad, Israel Nationalistic, Israel Apartheid, Israel War Hungry, Israel Fascist, Israel Zionist, Israel Expansionist, Israel Nazist...

Another day, another war in the middle east and what about the countless deaths to civilians on a daily basis in Iraq, what about Sectarian killing and suicide bombs in Turkey, what about all else that is wrong in the world, and what about American colonisation of many parts of Israel? Is this war just? Would any democratic state wage war to terror-organisations on its border?

I have no answer. I read Debka.com for news from the front and hope all operations against Hezbollah can be carried out as efficient as possible, forcing all to return to negotiations. The stalemate in the Middle East is horrific, welcome to George W. Bush's world.


E. (dutch)

Vrede, hoop op een toekomst zonder grenzen tussen mensen, een toekomst met voldoende eten, drinken en met een zekerheid van vrede. Het houdt veel mensen bezig. De mensen in Europa zijn reeds vrij zeker van hun toekomst en het bestrijden van de armoede lijkt aan de hand een succesformule door te gaan. Het vertrouwen in de economie en het begrip "groei" is stevig en met gemak leven de mensen binnen de grenzen waarin de vrede bereikt is. De veiligheid is een zaak van relatief weinig zorg, gezien het aanwezige militaire overwicht dat heerst.
Deze grenzen worden vanuit Europa ook bestreden. Niet alleen is er een nagenoeg soevereine Unie gevormd in Europa en zorgt het Noord Atlantische Militaire alliantie voor structurele veiligheid, maar ook ontwikkelingshulp en vredesoperaties in de wereld worden in de naam van mensenrechten gevoerd. Europa wil de wereld wel verenigen, maar lijkt nu grote moeite te hebben met de eigen eenheid. De discussie rondom Europa is een politieke issue geworden. Samenwerken OK, maar een Grondwet Non.

Rust in het Midden-Oosten brengen is echter een andere zaak. De konikrijken van het Midden-Oosten zijn minder ontwikkelde gebieden die op geringe steun kunnen rekenen van Europa en wel het meest in het geval van Israel. Steun aan Israel vanuit Europa moet politieke vormen aannemen. Als doel moet worden genomen de uitbreiding van de Unie met Israel en Palestina. Deze twee moeten volwassen staten worden met degelijke democratische instituten etc. Deze zullen hun conflict op moeten lossen op hoog diplomatiek niveau met de EU aan de onderhandelingstafel. Als het conflict binnen een bepaalde termijn niet is opgelost, dan zal er maatregelen volgen vanuit Brussel.

Dit riekt natuurlijk heel hard naar Imperialisme, Europa's grootste nachtmerrie en het resultaat van een lange en zeer bloedige geschiedenis. Maar eerlijk is eerlijk, Democratisch Imperialisme kan niet een puur-Amerikaanse aangelegenheid zijn. Europa speelt een sleutelrol in de toekomst van Jeruzalem.

Waarom lijkt een toetreding van landen in het Midden-Oosten zo een probleem? Uiteraard is het moeilijk voor te stellen hoe de oligarchieen van de meeste landen kunnen voldoen aan de maatstafen die Europe legt aan toetreding van haar economisch-institutionele unie. Daarbij liggen die landen helemaal niet in Europa, en zou het nergens op slaan.

Ik denk dat het best zou kunnen, want er wordt zovaak geroepen dat Europa een kern heeft van Joods-Christelijke Waarden. Het idee dat deze gemeenschappelijke Europese grondemotie niet gedeeld wordt door medemensen in het Midden-Oosten is krankzinnig. Het idee daarbij dat mensen daar geen raad zouden weten met democratie, stabiele regeringen en andere culturele eigenschappen is zeer ongegrond. Immers, mensen uit die landen participeren en masse op een succesvolle wijze in "Het Westen". Tevens functioneren veel "Wetserlingen" prima in het Midden-Oosten. O, en er leven veel Joden en Christenen.

Op verschillende avond komt het journaal voorbij. Het gaat in Israel slecht, de vrede lijkt verweg, de Israelies zijn gemeen, er sterven onschuldige mensen en levens worden verwoest. God o God, hoe houden jullie het allemaal zo vol deze troep te moeten slikken?? Ja, het is vreselijk natuurlijk wat daar allemaal gebeurt, en daarom juist moet er druk op onze politiek bestaan om zich ermee te bemoeien. Als niet op Nederlands niveau, dan wel op Europees niveau. Hierbij moeten de mensen zich goed realiseren hoe ontzettend de vrede op de wereld als geheel zal uitbarsten.

Bill Clinton kon Arafat en Rabin voor de camera van de wereld bij een brengen. De accoorden die toe getekend zijn en de hoop die toen ontstond zijn beide gevallen door problemen in Israel en de financiele steun aan de PLO is in de corruptie gaan zitten. De aanwezigheid van de EU groeide in deze periode aanzienlijk en is vanwege de toenemende groei van transparantie van de Europese Commissie alleen toegenomen. Op lokale basis is de EU een zeer gulle helper op de hele wereld. Goede projecten en de financiering van Hulp op alle gebieden denkbaar door middel van fondsen, tenders, proposals etc. komen aan de lopende band voor, maar toch vraag ik me af waarom Europa op politiek gebied zo laf en intern verdeeld is. Moeten Oost en West elkaar beter proberen te vinden? Moet er meer economische gelijkheid ontstaan of moeten we eerst de VS, China en Rusland op economisch gebied uitconcurreren?

Als vrede dan zo een gewaardeerd doel is, waarom het dan niet op effectieve wijze proberen te propageren? Het gevoel voor missie drukken Europeanen consequent uit in vredesmissies in de rest van de wereld, waarom dan niet het Midden-Oosten? Als Amerika een land binnenvalt, is er Europese steun. Uiteindelijk steunt heel Europa de inval van Bush, politiek gesproken dan. Mocht Europa ook druk gaan uitoefenen op conflictgebieden, dan zal Amerika toch wel kunnen volgen?

...mischien vinden de amerikanen ons dan ook eens een keer fris en jong, ipv oud en voor gepensioneerden en toeristen...


Murder, Redemption and Education on Genocide

No words can cover the pain that madness and inhumanity experienced by people confronted with massive disruptions in lives caused by war, and genocide in particular. Forms of expression trying to deal with these stories like photographs, histories and movies are all ways to counteract the violence itself, mostly by reenactement, retelling and exposing this dark side of the human form. All people viewing these feel a sense of human rights. It is this sense that unites humanity, at least in a cultural way.

Over the last period i have seen some excellent movies on the subject. Sometimes in April is, like Hotel Rwanda, a horrific account of the Rwandan "civil" war and the failure of the rich and powerfull west to safeguard the innocent people. The role of the media and Hate-Radio is once again emphasized and the vulrenability of peaceful people against the willingness of the once (supposedly) supressed to join against the common enemy are depicted in a profound manner. In contrast to Hotel Rwanda, this movie brings in the History dimension, of how a society, such as Rwanda must try and and continue after slaughter and crime. Moral standards and the questions of guilt and punishment are dealt with within the context of the international tribune. It is however imaginable this problem also exists on a more local scale as well.

Harrisons Flowers is a movie about an American war-photographer and his family. In 1991 he goes for one more, final, mission to Yugoslavia, to take pictures of what his boss at Newsweek dubs "Ethnic Incidents". The result is that he is supposedly dead. His wife has a hard time believing this and she decides to go to Vukovar and find him. Here the movie suddenly switches from a personal drama to an uncensored vision of war. With a group of photographers she tries to reach Vukovar. In the end, this city is the sight of the cleansing. Streets and buildings are ruined, smoke is everywhere, there is shouting, pain and gunfire without end. This American account of war is still fitted for the eye and does not extend to a level of schock that would truly upset the viewer, eventhough it contains many extremely upsetting violence.

Former Yugoslavia has been torn to pieces. People have fought for several hopes and goals. People have survived various motives for killing. Villages have been conquered and reconquered. International missions have bombed and moved in to save the last scene of ethnic cleansing, Kosovo, where NATO forces remain. Slovenia has joined the EU, Croatia is in the pipeline and Serbia has been punished by the Union for their inaction dealing with warcriminals. Greeks fear their Albanian minorities, Macedonia cannot be without the "Former Yugoslav Republic of"-prenom and Montenegro has left the sinking ship op Serbia. A fabulous account of current visions on the recent conflict has just featured on Dutch Television. The episode can be streamed from this website. This episode is part of a travel documentary called "Tracks", in which Rob Hof (the maker) travels from Asia to Europe and talks to the ordinary people. Extraordinay insights is what follows.

I am left here in this piece of the world where peace reigns, eventhough it is forces to share some of its reign with fear, xenophobia, segregation and discrimination. The rule of law, human rights and democracy is the West greatest export, one has to believe. This is the result of WW2. Education on this war and the cold war that has followed is still a major part of curricula, but why? And how can students connects the insights provided by movies and documentaries on other atrocities in the world with their own past. I am confident that people share the same emotion of repulsion when confronted with massmurder, factual repitition of the Holocaust in Western Education may become superfluous. Moreover connection the Holocaust with current and recent warcrimes may elevate the sense of Human Rights in the public sphere, in stead of leaving a bitter taste and provoke national pride in Europe.


We were pulling it very badly...

Evert and me visited Little John in Oxford, and we were pulling it very goodly 
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